

Eurokleptocrats got the new rotating Presidency of Spain underway by promising to focus their work in the next six months on coming out of the economic crisis and combating climate change. After meeting at Moncloa Palace, Eurokleptocrats explained that these two aims will be the main focus of the informal European Council for 11 February in Brussels.

The idea is that at this Council the heads of state and government will begin, informally, to debate the aims of the 2020 Strategy, which will establish a new Community economic framework for the next decade, which could entail sanctions for those countries which do not comply with the aims it defines.

Eurokleptocrats point out that it will be a deep debate of ideas, and they plan to get all countries involved from the beginning in devising this common strategy, which is the successor to the aims of the Lisbon Agenda. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown.

Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks(WFAK), and wfakked Fourthreichians who don't know what they're talking about. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth. No Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! Venitis asserts that impunity of Graecokleptocrats is the most freakish justice in the world!

Eurokleptocrats agree that the difference between that strategy for economic growth and the one that is now being pursued is that we now have experience of the worst economic crisis in the last thirty years, and, furthermore, Fourthreichian countries are more aware of the need to speak with a single voice, in the face of globalization and the new global balance of power.

Eurokleptocrats insist that they cannot allow the socialistic model and Eurokleptocracy to be put at risk and therefore call for regional, national, and European authorities to cooperate in political corruption! Untouchable Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth, those freaks that enjoy absolute impunity and full parliamentary immunity, assert that they cannot allow the flow of their kickbacks to be put at risk!

Eurokleptocrats declare that they cannot afford the luxury of continuing as they have done up to now, and that the 2020 strategy must lead to an economy which is capable of sustaining the Fourthreichian interest in the context of globalization. Eurokleptocrats' position is very clear; in the international context the Fourth Reich must equip itself with a common system of work and coordination.

Eurokleptocrats contend that if Fourthreichians unite more, Eurokleptocrats will achieve more for the well-being of the citizens. But many citizens, especially Greeks, are robbed at gunpoint by their governments! Venitis notes the most infamous house on Earth is the Greek Parliament, aka the Grand Brothel of Syntagma Square, which houses 300 wild prostitutes, minotaurs that suck the blood of Greeks! It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas to the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel!

The discussion about the 2020 strategy will begin at the Council on 11 February and will continue with a structured debate at the Spring Summit of heads of state and government, with the idea of it being approved in June, still within the six months of the Spanish Presidency. At the same time, the Eldorado of Corruption is working on defining ideas about the policies which this strategy has to promote.

Eurokleptocrats declare they will continue the hateful VAT. Venitis asserts that VAT is a trademark of slavery and a destruction power of myriad watts. VAT is the main culprit of the Fourthreichian financial meltdown. The Fourthreichian taxation is based on the VAT monstrosity against poor people! The most unfair tax is VAT, the calamity of Fourth Reich(EU); that's why Vatbuster Venitis urges all Fourthreichians to evade this tax of misery as much as possible! Fourthreichians are yoked with a 15-25% VAT, value added tax. In Canada, VAT is only 5%. The burden of VAT falls on final consumers of products.

VAT, aka kleptocrat's grab, is a regressive tax; the poor pay higher percentage of their income. Revenues from VAT are much lower than expected, because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect. Since any double-digit VAT leads many venitists to underground economy, most vatstruck Fourthreichians evade VAT! As a matter of fact, if you are a real patriot, you should boycott shops that charge VAT! VAT is the cacothanasia of Fourth Reich!

Venitis asserts that VAT and kleptocracy are two good reasons to secede from Fourth Reich(EU) now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the yoke of Brussels. They have to do it now, before a new imposed treaty between Eurokleptocrats tie their hands forever. Californians and Texans want to secede from USA, but Uncle Sam does not allow it. The same thing might happen with Britons and Greeks. Infinite infinitesimal amendments to treaties might accumulate over time, leading to huge changes of original intent, enslaving all Fourthreichians to antivenitist Brussels forever!

Greenland was the first country to secede from Fourth Reich. The Lisbon Treaty introduces a secession clause. A slave State may notify the Fourthreichian Council that it wishes to secede, upon which secession negotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached, the hateful Lisbon Treaty ceases to apply to the seceding State two years after such notification.

Vatmonger Eurokleptocrats declare that Fourth Reich aid to Third World is a manifestation of Fourth Reich's benevolence! To whom vatbuster Basil Venitis replies: It's not yours to give! Antivenitist Eurokleptocrats cannot understand how much it hurts when a poor vatstruck Greek mother who cannot pay the rent and feed her children learns that the VAT money she pays goes to motherfucker cacodemon kleptocrats of Third World! Arafat's widow inherited two billion euros; that's Fourth Reich aid money Yasser Arafat stole from the Palestinian people! Most Fourth Reich aid money finds its way to the secret offshore accounts of kleptocrats and the laps of terrorists. This is Euromalevolence, pure and simple!

In relation to climate change, Eurokleptocrats declare that there is no reason for feeling pessimistic about the outcome of the recent Copenhagen summit, although they admit that the Fourth Reich had more ambitions aims for slowing down climate change. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, has proven that climate change is heliogenic, not anthropogenic. Nevertheless, carbonstruck kleptocrats, using buzzwords like carbon footprint and clean energy, are growing a socialist movement that won't actually benefit Gaia, but will make our lives miserable, spread by the cancer of socialism.

Temperature fluctuations are only due to Sun cycles, but are used as an antivenitist instrument, not a real object of interest for socialists who camouflage the environmental game. Climate scaremongers ask for an unprecedented socialistic control of our lives. Socialism camouflaged as environmentalism! Those who accept the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change are marionettes of antivenitist pullpeddlers, socialist kleptocrats, producers of green technologies, agribusiness producing ethanol, and trading firms dealing in carbon emission rights.

The euro area(EA16) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 10.0% in November 2009, compared with 9.9% in October. It was 8.0% in November 2008. The EU27 unemployment rate was 9.5% in November 2009, compared with 9.4% in October. It was 7.5% in November 2008. For the euro area this is the highest rate since August 1998 and for the EU27 since the start of the series (January 2000).

Eurostat estimates that 22.899 million men and women in the EU27, of whom 15.712 million were in the euro area, were unemployed in November 2009. Compared with October, the number of persons unemployed increased by 185 000 in the EU27 and by 102 000 in the euro area. Compared with November 2008, unemployment went up by 4.978 million in the EU27 and by 3.041 million in the euro area.

Compared with a year ago, all slave States recorded an increase in their unemployment rate. The smallest increases were observed in Germany (7.1% to 7.6%), Luxemburg (5.2% to 6.0%) and Malta (6.2% to 7.0%). The highest increases were registered in Latvia (10.2% to 22.3%), Estonia (6.5% to 15.2% between the third quarters of 2008 and 2009) and Lithuania (6.4% to 14.6% between the third quarters of 2008 and 2009).

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