
Έλληνας ο νέος δήμαρχος του Ντάρεμπιν Μελβούρνης

«Είναι μια ξεχωριστή, ιδιαίτερα τιμητική μέρα για μένα, αλλά και για την ομογένεια. Ο θείος μου Πίτερ Τσίτας ήταν ο πρώτος, γεννημένος στην Ελλάδα, δημοτικός σύμβουλος στην περιοχή -το 1970- και αυτός με ενέπνευσε».

    Αυτή ήταν η πρώτη δήλωση του Σταύρου Τσίτα, του ομογενή που είναι ο νέος δήμαρχος του δήμου Ντάρεμπιν της Μελβούρνης.

    Μετά από 12 χρόνια λαμπρής υπηρεσίας ως δημοτικός σύμβουλος στον ίδιο δήμο, ο κ. Τσίτας υπερψηφίστηκε με οκτώ ψήφους υπέρ και ένα κατά, από τους συνολικά εννέα δημοτικούς συμβούλους για τη θέση του δημάρχου.

    Ο ομογενής αναλαμβάνει καθήκοντα σε έναν αρκετά μεγάλο δήμο, με πάνω από 130.000 κάτοικους, που αποτελεί, επίσης, μια από τις μεγαλύτερες εθνικά ποικίλες κοινωνίες, όχι μόνο στη Μελβούρνη αλλά και σ' όλη τη Βικτώρια. Στην περιοχή ζουν και αρκετές χιλιάδες Έλληνες.

    Στο μεταξύ απεβίωσε ο Γιάννης Πύργος, που διετέλεσε δήμαρχος στο Όκλι.

THEY SAID YOU’D NEVER MAKE IT: Arise, Mayor Steve Tsitas of Darebin

Many new mayors are elected this time of year. And while we’ve been amused to see Stephen Mayne’s desperate bid to become Mayor of Manningham fall in a heap when he couldn’t get any other colleagues to back him, and even amused to see a Democratic Labor Party member get elected as Mayor of the usually left-leaning Moreland council due to the sneaky manipulations of those who’d profess to strongly oppose the DLP, so far no-one has rivalled the sheer joy of being given the chance to serve in the newly elected mayor of Darebin, Steven Tsitas.
Councillor Tsitas has been on the council for twelve years and had usually been locked out by the previously dominant group for most of that time. But due to backing from the 2011 mayor Diana Asmar was elected emphatically, with gracious speeches from all his colleagues, including rivals and even the Green comedian councillor (who showed up to the ceremony wearing dinosaur gear perhaps as a homage to his ageing federal Leader Bob Brown) Trent McCarthy, who has previously taken cash-for-comment from mining giant Rio Tinto.
Impressively, it is the first time at the City of Darebin that a person of Greek-heritage has achieved the high office.
He’s not just wanting the title either, Tsitas wants to get things done:
“The aim of the redevelopment of the Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre is to create the largest arts centre precinct outside the CBD,” Cr Tsitas said.
“As Mayor I will engage in high level advocacy work with government and stakeholders to secure funding support for this signature project, as well as working with Council to guide its overall vision and execution,” he said.
It was lovely to see the councillor’s family, lovely wife and friends celebrating with him and especially Steve’s Dad, who was so proud and so happy, it was truly heart-warming. All this hippy love and grace was enough to briefly reaffirm our faith in the political process, until we saw among the ranks, notorious Labor rat Rick Garotti slithering in the crowd, possibly contemplating which group of friends he’d give up or cheat and deceive next.
Political insiders say Garotti achieved notoriety during the year by betraying Labor moderate friends in the Labor Unity to enter the alluring yet morally bankrupt Bedouin tent of Taliban extremism, on the promise of a seat (and possibly after-life virgins), he will now be certain to never get. Not on our watch.
While the KPMG poseur (who spends a lot of time away from the office) – very wisely – shut down his Facebook page, Garotti still braves public gatherings apparently. The pics of Comrade Garotti standing alongside the ranks of communities he exploits, in the manner of an arrogant game-hunter standing along side mounted beasts, we’ll save for a less festive occasion. Fortunately, they are a wake up to his cynical exploits and he’s leaking votes worse than a Rudd Prime Ministership.
Some have thought Garotti was going to run in next year’s municipal elections in some kind of combination with disgraced former Labor MP Craig Langdon for the northern suburban Banyule council, a prospect that could excite keen interest from regulators should it occur. They could dispense rough justice, planning applications and grants for exploited ethnic communities from the Bell Street mall and scarcely require the assistance of a council bureaucracy, as such.
Rats don’t slither, I hear you say, but those making that observation mustn’t have met Garotti, who seemed most intent on slithering up in the most reptilian manner to a highly regarded former staffer of the Member for Ivanhoe, Anthony Carbines. We feel we haven’t dedicated enough space, care or attention to Mr Garotti this year and pledge to do much better next year.
On a more pleasant note, we wish Darebin’s popular new mayor Steve Tsitas well and dedicate this splendid video presentation from a kinder, gentler time to his fine achievement and an even brighter 2012.


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