
AHEPA letter to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

April 28, 2010

The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State

Re: April 2010 Cover Story of State Magazine

Dear Secretary Clinton:

As national president of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and on behalf of the three million Americans of Greek heritage, and countless Philhellenes, I am writing to express concern about the April 2010 cover story of State Magazine by Stephanie Rowlands titled, Skopje, Ancient Macedonia builds modern democracy.” 1

Our primary concern with Ms. Rowlands’ article is that its content will only further bolster FYROM’s intransigence in the quest to find a mutually-agreeable solution to its name under U.N.-sponsored negotiations with Greece. For example, by providing only a “thumb-nail sketch” of the FYROM name issue, Rowlands’ would have the reader believe that the issue is one-sided.

Ever since the country declared independence in 1991, Greece has objected to the use of “Macedonia,” resulting in the postponement of Macedonia’s inclusion in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union accession talks.”

In this example, Rowlands fails to mention the concessions Greece has agreed to since the time the Interim Accord was signed between Greece and FYROM in 1995. Today, Greece has expressed a willingness to accept a composite name with a geographical qualifier. This type of political will has not been extended to Greece by FYROM. Instead, FYROM continues to provoke Greece, its largest investor of more than $1 billion, with acts that do not lend to trust-building and break the Interim Accord.

Secondly, given the sensitivities over geography between Greece and FYROM (where in FYROM’s educational system textbooks instruct students about territorial claims in Greece), it is an enigma to me how Rowlands, or her editor, could allow a provocative statement as “Today, major portions of historical Macedonia lie within neighboring countries”. It is distressing to see and it speaks volumes of how unaware or uninformed the broader State Department community is to an issue that has significant ramifications to the United States’ best interests in the region.

Finally, we contend the article misleads when it comes to FYROM’s “deep tradition of tolerance.” The Greek American community, and more broadly, the global community, was outraged when billboards in Skopje depicted Greek flags that were defaced with a Nazi swastika in place of a Cross. In addition to defacing the Greek flag, a magazine sketch of then-Prime Minster Konstantinos Karamanlis wearing a Nazi SS uniform was also published. These blatant and disturbing displays of hate propaganda that occurred in the spring of 2008 were condoned by the government in Skopje. As American citizens, we are concerned that our taxpayer dollars, roughly $23 million, are going to support a government that condones such acts of intolerance, hatred, and bigotry; and disseminates propaganda. Moreover as Ahepans we are members of an organization that was founded to combat the evils of bigotry and hate at the hands of the KKK. Therefore, it’s clear why we condemn these acts and find them unacceptable.

FYROM hate billboard AHEPA letter to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Secretary Clinton, we understand

State Magazine is published to serve as a vehicle or conduit of information between State Department management and employees that provides the latter with the latest developments on administrative policies, procedures, or trends within the department. We also acknowledge that diplomatic posts are highlighted in an effort to create awareness to employees about a potential future post. However, in this case, we are of the strong opinion that Ms. Rowlands’ cover story provides misinformation about a post—FYROM—that ultimately does a disservice to United States interests in the region.

We thank you for your consideration of our concerns, and we look forward to your reply.

Thank you.


Nicholas A. Karacostas

National President

The mission of the AHEPA family is to promote the ancient Greek ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.

Cc: Rob Wiley, Editor-in-Chief, State Magazine

Adam Scarlatelli, Senior Greek Desk Officer, Department of State

1 σχόλιο:

Unknown είπε...

Because the Russian Caesar gave them money, most Greek churches belonged to him until Lenin tried to sell them for cash. So we formed masonic self help societies (which became AHEPA) to own the churches as private chapels so the Russians could not have them. This is why the goats must be obedient to AHEPA and not the other way around. Ku Klux Klan is a Greek idea, from the Greek word KUKLOS. The KKK canard was invented by Iacovous so he could snuggle with the Market Looting Koon, because the Greeks and Jews were slave traders in Catholic New Orleans, which is why David Duke is Catholic. The finest slave traders were Benaki of Louisiana and Lehman of Alabama which is how GrecoRoman Venetian noble Benaki built the New Orleans and Mobile churches and the Athens museum. When I was growing up the mafia was protecting us from the nigger riggers while Archie Pigshop Whacko Puss was snuggling with Market Looting Coon, so bow to Fatima instead of your Harvard Obama sporting brain washers or we gone and make you eat your yiayia. Russia never wanted a free Greece, just a Russian Greece like they did to Armenia. Russian secretary of state Nesselrode sent bishop Uspensky to make Antioch speak Arab. They failed in Jerusalem but as you see they still don't give up. Assad & Saddam's party was invented by their Michel Aflaq in order to spread Slavocommunist domination. In 1845 Moscow provost Masagieff invented Pan
Slav Macedonia and their ambassador Ignatieff tried to implement it at St Stefanous thirty years later. Russians shriek that we practice "Heresy of Phyletism" but this refers to Pan Slavocommunists trying to have their way with poor north Greeks back then. At Berlin, in 1875 the West saved Greece from Russian domination. Greeks are always West, never East! These charter revisions want us to dissolve AHEPA and become part of
http://www.OrthodoxFellowship.org/ under http://www.SCOBA.us/ but Popandrew
Spyridons want us to become unbridled part of http://www.sae.gr/. The RICO law was designed to protect us against such racketeering by both sides. Look into the backgrounds of all the Greek pro Russian goats and you will find communists who fled here from Metaxous. Most Greeks don't understand that the Russian Church was always communist and always believed in this Obshchina peasant commune. In fact, their false proof of Macedonia being Slav is that there were Obshchinas in Greece. The Russians make the Holy Greco Roman Palioloques look evil because they crucified them at Florence Ferrari. There was this usurper called Candacouzinous, with his chief goat, Greg Palamous. You don't read good things about them in old Greek books, but the Russians make them look like good guys, and our goats try to sell them to us. They, not the Crusaders, were the ones who let the Turks into Constantinople because they used Turk and Slav mercenaries to take power. They first took Salonica in 1342 as the "Zealots" who set up an Obshchina and killed all the rich folks so the Russians could take over Greece. You have to know what the monks are all about. The black goats defeated the white goats because of the Iconaclasts. Someone should tell these moslem commie ayatollas that real priests don't have beards and that men wear pants, shave and bathe. Monk theology comes from the dualist Zoroastrians, just like the Sufi Dervish Turks and the Buddhist monks. Alexander the Great crushed the Russian Magog near Persia. Confucian family values are equally repulsed by the same Zoroastrian monastic homosexual abomination of the Buddhists. Real priests are good at baseball and American football and not sissy games like basket and socker and the metric system. The black goats have always been agents of the Slavs. This is why the junta cracked down on Athos, which had become a soviet spy nest and homosexual bordello and Iacovous banned monasteries from America.